10% of Proceeds Gets Donated to Wildlife Conservations!
Westernaires Horse Portraits
One thing about Kenzie, is that she was in a mounted drill team organization for 5 years, called Westernaires. She did everything from roping, to bareback jumping, and riding with flags. Westernaires became her second home, and she made some of her most favorite memories there.
Westernaires has a rental string of around 150+ horses, most of which are mustangs, and every one of those horses has touched the lives of well over 10,000 riders and volunteers throughout the many generations over the years. And as a way to give back to the organization that Kenzie holds so dear, she is painting portraits of the rental string. Including all of the past, and future ones. If you have a favorite horse that you'd like to see painted, fill out the form below!
Visit https://www.westernaires.org/ to read more about them, and to keep up with their upcoming shows!
Quick Links
Horsecapades Annual Show
The horse portraits will be exclusive to the annual show Westernaires holds at the Denver Coliseum, so if you see a horse that you'd love to have a print of be sure to get your tickets for the show!
Though if you're in the Westernaire family, you get special first access to prints, stickers, magnets, etc. Just sign up to the site as a member (its completely free), and contact Kenzie and ask for the "Westernaire Family" badge! Make sure to include how you're affiliated in order to get access!
A Sneak Peak into the Shop!
Current Horse Portraits
Wildfire #78, Flame #91, Wyoming #95, Skeeter #62, Cruiser #67
Upcoming Portraits
Rayo, Gibbs, Warrior, Dilbert, Dinozzo